Thursday, May 31, 2012
Scola Malinga's Send Off
Which Woman's On Her Way To Being Hated?
Yep, that Helen is headed for trouble. After all "people who are busy winning a war don't find dimwits amusing!"
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Wardrobe for a Summer Bride - 1960
We have 'a prerequisite to a wedding trip, a travel suit', 'a champagne evening dress', then 'an ensemble that will work for practically every daytime occasion', and 'a softly draped dress, perfect for little dinners'. But the best is of course, "a toast in lace for a bride who wants the most beautiful wedding gown".
Vogue 208: the bridal dress, a lavish sweep of delicate lace, sashed and partially enveloped in an overskirt of white satin. Petticoat, short dress, included. Sizes 10 to 16.
Vogue 204: the strapless dress with an artfully molded bodice, swirling into a full skirt with graceful mobility for dancing, (can also be floor-length). This, and the brief jacket, designed by John Cavanagh. Sizes 10 to 18.
Vogue 200: the ensemble, an original by Michael of London. The slim dress with easy width through the bodice is topped by a belted, hip-length jacket. Sizes 10 to 18.
Vogue 206: the draped dress., interpreted here in fluid floral crepe. Original design by Rodriguez of Spain. Sizes 10 to 18.
Vogue 207: the going-away suit ... uncluttered lines in an almost classic travel suit, plus its own blouse. Original by Giovanelli of Italy; sizes 10 to 18.
Week 15 - The Seven Steps (Hindu)
A Hindu ceremony, in most cases is quite extravagant and beautiful. It incorporates many different rituals and traditions and is often filled with chanting and Sanskrit blessings that began in a time long ago. This ceremony is known as 'samskara' and in India, it can last days or even weeks.

Outfit of the Day: Kane,, Versace, Zanotti, Beamon
5 Secrets To Feel Closer To Her
Okay look. Let's experience it. We ladies are easy creatures. We like to be loved, special, spoiled, you know, the works. But, but, but… before you create up your summary, know this. Sometimes its just not that easy. And man, you have to keep up.
This awesome story gives a super description of how you men can connect better with us females. And believe in me, if you follow to these guidelines, you will have a seriously happy partner which makes happy you, right?
These are:
So real. If I discuss to my guy while he is off at work, that I just got a really bad coughing and freezing instantly, would I be satisfied if that night, he brings home a large family pack of ice-cream. No. I relax my situation.
2. To keep up with her memory, take notes
It's a scientific fact: women remember everything. And that is why the everyday adviser was developed. So if we ask you to get the ironed outfits from the ironing-guy on your way house, there is a purpose why we ask. All you have to do it remember to get it, or wear a messed up clothing to perform the next day.
3. Follow her calm lead compared to instigating fights
In public place, especially in restaurants, how many times have you desired to impact the waiter for getting the incorrect item? Relax. That's you. But if you want toscore additional brownie points with the woman, do keep that anger to the minimum and the respect to the max.
Yes. Yes. Yes. I know you guys may not be Lord Byrons and John Keats of the world; but hey, a romentic little hand-written note, or a cute e-card once in a while would be such a reward … for you.
5. Be her serotonin
As for the ladies, for the other side of this story, make sure you read 5 Ways To Understand Him Better.